iPhone ProRAW and RAW Lightroom presets - Costa del Sol
Geio Tischler
Mobile & Desktop Lightroom presets I have developed for my Andalusian style architecture shots. Perfect for a harmony of colours seen on the examples, especially light colours. Tailored for iPhone ProRAW and RAW formats.
You will get 2 desktop & mobile presets used in the examples. 01 is a bit milder and more suitable for shots of people. 02 is a perfect dreamy look for Southern Europe's finest arhitecture.
My workflow is usually like this:
- Open ProRAW image in Lightroom mobile
- Crop and Geometry - Edit - Upright Vertical (if it’s an image with straight vertical lines, like architecture etc.)
- Apply my preset
- Change the Exposure, whites, blacks according to the current image.
- Boost colurs of some cool areas/details or if too saturated then lower it etc.
- Reduce the Sharpening if nessecary
- Export - Add border (if needed) and share… and voila.
If you don’t know how to convert the .DNG raws into a mobile preset then search for some quick youtube tutorials, like this one:
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Easy to implement mobile and desktop presets with example edits included.
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